Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Search for Perfect Health

The search for perfect health has been, is, and will be a main aspect in man as a person and as a social being. And for this purpose, man has tried to find all resources. But this requires of security, seriousness and commitment to what is true. This truth that explains, makes, guides to perfection, to balance, to the own potency of life in harmony. And this is preponderant for man. Alternative Healing is the name given to the empirical science that observes and does not reserve the criterion of considering that life is connected to so distant elements as a star and also connected to something as small and apparently insignificant as dust, the ground or a drop of water. Like a natural element, raised to its purest expression, to its most fragile, most sensitive and delicate condition, in other words to its essence.
Author: Oscar Basurto Carbonell

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