This term and at the same time, this concept, can be used in different ways; as a non conceptual, irrational tool, that applied with depth and method, can resolve, doubt, worry, and mainly is a course of action, a better perspective in the process of been; in other words, to reassert and reinvent our reality. In this case, the term -Healing Energy- refers precisely, to that energy that is required to change, to transform something, which prevents and limits our improvement, and our capacity of reaching lasting peace and happiness. We could see the healing energy from the following perspective : The conscience of man is the product of a series of experiences, that adapt and adjust to a will, which makes of center and point of confluence of the synergy of the living experiences per se. The result are various psychological conditions, which many times, are obstacles to us, such as, resentment, frustration, psychological perspective and wrong ethics. That imply problems of reasoning, reflection, tolerance and analysis, in front of which, we simply yield, and lose the control to balance our acts or the capacity to be able to achieve our goals. We can easily fall in the affliction of depression, irritability , bitterness, frustration or addiction, where we lose control and start even ceasing been ourselves and start affecting everything and everyone around us, and it would seem that it has become a neglected, unstable, unimaginable life. It is here, where the concept of Healing Energy, has to definitely act and here, we show and enunciate in a brief way, and then we will go in depth, the steps or stages needed, to reach this so called, Healing Energy. And it is important to clarify that these steps or stages will be given in a gradual way. At times, they will all be shown together or separated and they will not come in an established order, but they will finally combine until becoming a sole functional Healing Energy, which is: Strength, Motivation, Intention, Conviction of Change, Excellence. And the process is as follows :
1-To recognize our limits.
2-To go deeply into our doubts, not to exalt them, but to identify them, with the purpose of transforming them.
3-Confront our inertia, since is a major obstacle to neglect and to not exercise our will.
4-Work in a humble way, in order to remove erroneous concepts, either, mechanically or compulsively learned or those where we don't have a solution to the problems that we are now facing in our lives.
5-To be conscious that we need help, and don't shut up in the last or only possibility, that we have to do everything ourselves, but with the exception, that certainly, our effort must be personal.
6-To have a feeling of solidarity towards ourselves, so that, the fault -if there is one- can be constructive, not demolishing and destructive. Let's work here, then, in renovating the confidence and studying the meaning of self confidence.
7-To improve our daily habits -this is so important- that we could say, this is the link that integrates the others. This improvement means to cultivate the desire and effective practice of going back to nature, by getting in touch with our surroundings, in the purest way, starting with the food until coexisting, properly said, with the environment. The outdoors has resources of calm, peace, happiness tranquility, which are most needed for each and every one of us.
8-To leave behind, everything that is a hindrance to our progress and to start discovering and creating, what later on, is going to be, confidence and hope, because, we are reborn every day, and with this concept, to take all the acts of the will, to the specific method of finding a personal and a shared good in which all our contribution to life will be sustained in the search of an order which is just, worthy, happy and with a feeling of solidarity .
9-To work in the application and development of creativity , with the purpose of having friendship with our mind, our feelings, with ourselves and with the ones who surround us . And to break monotony and lack of spirit of participation , by becoming a constructive, dynamic individual, who is studious of everything which is good and how to apply all this in every detail of life itself.
10-To reflect as much in the rational, analytic process, as in the proper mystic process of prayer or meditation, and with the assistance of examples of peace and excellence, to meet life as an attribute of a living spirituality, where we find inner values that always correspond in a constructive way and give place to know and to cultivate inner peace with due attention and care, since it is here, where all what has been said before begins its practical meaning and its practice of life, as much human, as divine.
11-To cultivate respect for our will, determination, conviction and in the same way, towards all beings, with the understanding that there are differences but that all must live in peace.
12-This is of utmost importance but is only reached when we can leave behind all false experiences, signs, symbols in the conscience, which have not allowed our humbly understanding that we are creatures begotten by the love to God. Here, then, to recognize God, in our lives, is what allows the consolidation of the work, that permits the awakening of the plenitude of the healing energy.
13-To analyze our actions in a method based on tolerance and patience but capable of recognizing our tendencies and self manipulation in order to objectively differentiate what usually, hinders our change and improvement, and to be alert about our excess of self compassion, justification and self deceit .
14-To actively participate in the experience of renovation, recognizing the importance of assuming new responsibilities in which, we will maintain the edifying conduct in the progress of a productive life where the virtues of Honor, Friendship and Solidarity, are developed in their ample meaning.
15-To be objective in every process, with the purpose of not finding all the solutions in an easy or irresponsible way but to understand that every change requires of effort, discipline, study, dedication and Love.
16-To be grateful, to have the uprightness of accepting and consequently of compensating.To open our heart to superior meditations, where the gratitude to our Creator, to love to life, to the whole universe, grows and strengthens.
17-As long as all this is carry out, we will find that all that was causing pain and confusion, somewhat, is isolated and is a lot less painful.But this stage is necessary to be able to transcend everything. It is here where we evidently need of the union of all these steps and all the stages. This is the moment of forgiveness. This is the moment of creation, to conciliate everything, and what cannot be conciliated, then, to learn to leave it in the hands of God.
Mystic Healing Art
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