The man was absorbed in a deep silence, pondering about the art to be renewed. He had studied art and science, mysteries and many subjects of the world, and he was very powerful and full but he did not know the Art To Be Renewed.
And while concentrating and in his search, he faced the Mystery of the Inner Silence, the Sacred Spirit of each man and of each being in the creation. And that silence, that Mystery, told him:
-To be able to be renewed, you have to die. And to die, you have to leave everything behind, your wisdom, your achievements and your own experiences.
On hearing this, the man startled and that Mystery said with little voice:
-All are the same, they want to know but are not capable of offering anything.-
The man moved away and a long time passed. He started losing everything that he had achieved, his fortune started to dilute, his power, even his wisdom. Everything became confused but he still remembered that spiritual dialogue. How would he be renewed? What would he bring afterwards ? He realized at that point that he had lost everything.
Then, when the culminating moment of death came. The Mystery, the inner voice, approached that man again and said:
- I can feel your anguish, desolation, loss. You now realize and start to appreciate the importance of Wisdom, which will never leave you. But you preferred a false security. Nevertheless, I have seen that your repentance is genuine and I will tell you about what is reached in the heart and is never lost. It gives you the art of been renewed in a conscious way in this world. And although the all could forget his name, this will be the light that may seem small but is capable of giving light to the infinite space.
Open your heart and listen to what makes the human heart. What transforms and raises it like an eternal light, is the generosity of Love. When you can accept that the heart is humble and generous, then, you will realize the Art To Be Renewed, forever in Eternity.
Mystic Healing Art
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